Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Life Sucks

If you haven't yet noticed, blog postings have been light lately - mostly because I think I'm going through a mid-life crisis. And not a man's mid-life crisis (which usually involves buying sports cars and dating trashy women half their age) but a WOMAN'S mid-life crisis (which usually involves vandalizing sports cars driven by men who are dating trashy women half their age.)

I'm not working and there aren't many jobs in my area. Couple that with my daily bipolar epiphanies, and you've got someone who resembles Charles Manson with PMS:

Monday: "We need to move somewhere that has more jobs/people/activities. That's it, WE'RE MOVING."

Tuesday: "The Kid doesn't want to leave his home. Why should I rip him away from the only home he's ever known just because I'm bored??? That's it, WE'RE STAYING."

Wednesday: "Screw The Kid. He'll get used to another home. I'm going nuts and am watching waaay too much reality tv. He'll adjust. WE'RE MOVING."

Thursday: "I'm a bad mother! I can't just pick up and move. We need to stick it out and try to keep the house. I'll find work eventually so...WE'RE STAYING."


(Sequence above repeated weekly.)

Although sleeping in kicks ass and naps are da bomb, I've been doing it for over a year now. It's starting to get old. (Okay, the naps never get old...) Bottom line - I need to find something to do. Something that gets me out of my house every day...a reason for me to put on makeup.

So I will probably be in this nasty little rut until I find that reason. Hopefully I'll find something soon so I can bring back the funny...and stop the vandalizing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must admit that I have missed the daily posts. They are my sanity to the close of my day (usually read at night when I get home from work). I'm praying for you and hoping something great comes along. You are very talented.

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