Saturday, July 16, 2011

This Is Gonna Get Inneresting

Many of you know I possess a bachelors degree in communications, which is proving to be about as useful as a shit covered flyswatter (and yes, my hyphen key is still broken or I would have properly hyphenated that adjective. GAWD, I'm so anal!) So I've decided to be the ultimate glutton for punishment and go back to school.

Nursing school.

I realize I pass out every time I have blood drawn but apparently all those hours working in the ER softened my heart a bit and made me want to help others. (Okay, it's mostly the table saw injuries and protruding bones. Those kick ASS!) However, I have to take a few classes to prepare me for my new career...including chemistry, which I dropped in college. Four times.

The community college where I am taking a biology and chemistry class this fall has already put me on academic probation because FIFTEEN YEARS AGO I signed up for a class during a summer break home and ended up dropping it (it was chemistry, natch) so I've already got that going for me.

Everyone buckle up and put your tray tables in their full, upright positions because we're about to have some FUN now!

*end sarcasm

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