Thursday, July 26, 2012

Treat Me Like A Child And Watch What Happens

So you know when your mother treats you like a child but you put up with it because you don't feel good and could really use her help? And it's sorta nice again, having someone take care of you. Dinner appears, dishes disappear, your child is magically bathed. But then a fine line starts to get crossed, and she isn't helping anymore - she's starting to control things.

And then the nagging starts.

"Are you drinking enough water? Beth at work says you have to drink a lot of water with that medicine. Wasn't the doctor's office supposed to call today? Did they? They didn't??? Should you call them? Wait, weren't YOU supposed to call THEM?" Three solid days of non-stop, all-day nagging.

And then I hit my limit.

And my limit isn't pretty.

You know when you tell someone they need to just leave right now, right now before things turn ugly and you can't take back what comes out of your mouth? But that person DOESN'T LEAVE. In fact, they start running their mouth about all they have done for you and how horrible you are treating them right now! And they keep yelling about what they've done for you the last two weeks! And you yell back how appreciative you are but there is a limit to how much NAGGING you can take! AND THEY STILL DON'T LEAVE!!!

And so I break. I turn into the 14-year-old I've been treated as and look for something And before I know it, my mother is dodging television remotes left and right as she's jumping out my door. My child is sitting at the table watching this exchange, mouth hanging open, shockingly, amazingly, speechless.

I'm not proud of it. But it got her out.

If this lung thing turns into something "bad", I'm going to need better coping devices. I have a feeling there isn't enough chardonnay in the world to deal with Nurse Mother.

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