Thursday, November 22, 2012

Parent Teacher Conference Time

This week was Mouth's first parent-teacher conference at his new school. Most of his teachers think he's a hoot, and he earns decent grades (except math - just like his mama!) so the meetings are usually pretty painless. As we were waiting for his teacher to arrive, we browsed through a notebook of homework he put together in preparation for the meeting. I was paging through until this writing assignment caught me eye. I busted out laughing and was all, "I HAVE to take a picture of this paper!"

The assignment is: "If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere." What does this quote mean to you about life?

Mouth's first sentence is: "A path with no obstacles is like ending up as a McDonald's janitor."

This kid cracks me up! I'm so happy he was born with my sense of humor (which I got from my dad...all of which drives Mother INSANE.)

*Sidenote: Also discovered during the meeting: Mouth's Spanish class played a game where the kids each came up with a phrase, had the teacher translate it into spanish for them, then they had to act out or draw their phrase in an attempt to get the class to guess it. The teacher was in tears telling me how Mouth's phrase was "I love weapons of mass destruction." He drew George Bush with his thumb on a big red button. She also said she chose not to tell the other teachers about that because she didn't think they'd get as big a kick out of it as she did. I told her that was probably a really good idea!

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