"Woooooow. How did you survive your childhood???"
I ask myself that same question at most family holiday dinners.
This year The Kid is begging for an Xbox 360. He is so pathetic in his quest that he has started sniffing around the presents under the tree saying, "Do I smell an Xbox 360? I think I smell an Xbox 360!!!"
Tonight I was at the grocery store, and I was passing through the Christmas aisle when something caught my eye. Something familiar...
Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
It's an Atari.

And I would buy only one game - Pong. Oh yeah. He wouldn't be able to figure it out! The boy could probably rebuild your computer but a classic like Pong??? No way. His brain would explode with the simplicity of it.
Nah, that would be too cruel of me. He would KILL ME if Santa gave him the Atari versus Xbox.
Then again, he has it soooo good. And he DOES need stuff to tell his therapist one day...
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