There are so many things wrong with this cake. The serial killer handwriting, the off-center placement, the PIPING ALONG THE EDGE!!! I...I just...I can't even look at it.
I made a Battlefield 3 cake a few years back that wasn't too bad, actually! But I about slit my wrists with the icing knife trying to get that damn cake done.
Not professional but not bad for someone on her fourth glass of Chardonnay at 2:00 in the morning. Mouth loved it because I made it for him. Awww!
Yeah, I'm not doing it again. So far, we have deduced that Mouth:
- doesn't like sports
- loves gaming but doesn't have a fave game
- loves music but not a particular band
- plays games on a computer (Xbox and Play Stations are SOOOO 2012 MOM)
- doesn't have a fave color but is open to blue
- doesn't care what the cake looks like but wants it to be "cool"
Awesome. So helpful. Someone suggested putting a big ol' pic of ME on it and be like, "Well, you said you didn't care what your cake looked like..."
Very tempting.
What are some of the best cakes you've ever seen? Some of the worst? And post pictures so we can all enjoy!